Your position: Street Map > "C" Cities > CARDIFF > "W" Streets >

List of streets in CARDIFF with first letter W

Click on street name to see the position on CARDIFF street map. In list you can see 208 streets.

Number of streets (without repeated street names - if some street have more then 1 postcode): 197 street names.

Wain Close (1)
Wakehurst Place (1)
Walford Place (1)
Walk Farm Drive (1)
Walker Road (1)
Wallston Road (1)
Walnut Tree Close (1)
Walpole Close (1)
Walston Close (1)
Walston Road (1)
Walton Place (1)
Walwyn Place (1)
Wanderers Crescent (1)
Warren Evans Court (1)
Warwick Place (1)
Warwick Street (1)
Wasdale Close (1)
Washford Avenue (1)
Watchet Close (1)
Water Avens Close (1)
Waterford Close (1)
Waterhall Road (1)
Waterhouse Drive (1)
Waterloo Close (1)
Waterloo Gardens (1)
Waterloo Road (2)
Waterston Road (1)
Watson Road (1)
Watton Close (1)
Waun Fach (1)
Waun-y-groes Avenue (1)
Waun-y-groes Road (1)
Waunfawr Road (1)
Waungron Road (2)
Wauntreoda Road (1)
Wavell Close (1)
Waverley Square (1)
Wedal Road (1)
Wedmore Road (1)
Weekes Close (1)
Welby Road (1)
Well Wood Close (1)
Wellfield Court (1)
Wellfield Place (1)
Wellfield Road (2)
Wellington Street (2)
Wells Street (1)
Wellwood (1)
Wellwright Road (1)
Welsh Folk Museum (1)
Welwyn Road (1)
Wembley Road (1)
Wenallt Court (1)
Wenallt Road (1)
Wentloog Close (1)
Wentloog Road (3)
Wentworth Close (1)
Wentworth Lane (1)
Wenvoe Close (1)
Werfa Street (1)
Wern Goch East (1)
Wern Goch West (1)
Wernfawr Close (1)
Wernfawr Lane (1)
Werngethin Road (1)
Werngoch Road (1)
Wessex Street (1)
West Bute Street (1)
West Close (1)
West Grove (2)
West Grove Court (1)
West Lee (1)
West Luton Place (1)
West Orchard Crescent (1)
West Rise (1)
West Road (1)
West View (1)
Westbourne Crescent (1)
Westbourne Road (1)
Westbury Terrace (1)
Western Avenue (1)
Western Avenue Court (1)
Western Avenue North (1)
Western Drive (1)
Westfield Avenue (1)
Westfield Road (1)
Westgate Street (1)
Westland Close (1)
Westminster Crescent (1)
Westminster Drive (1)
Westmoreland Street (1)
Weston Road (1)
Westonbirt Close (1)
Westville Road (1)
Westville Walk (1)
Wexford Court (1)
Wharton Street (1)
Wheatley Road (1)
Whinberry Way (1)
Whinchat Close (1)
Whitaker Road (1)
Whitchurch Place (1)
Whitchurch Road (1)
White Oaks Drive (1)
Whiteacre Close (1)
Whitebarn Road (1)
Whitefield Road (1)
Whitehall Avenue (1)
Whitehall Close (1)
Whitehall Parade (1)
Whitehall Place (1)
Whitehall Road (1)
Whitesands Road (1)
Whitethorn Way (1)
Whitland Close (1)
Whitland Crescent (1)
Whitmuir Road (1)
Wicken Close (1)
Wicklow Close (1)
Widecombe Drive (1)
Wigmore Close (1)
Wilkinson Close (1)
William Belcher Drive (1)
William Nicholls Drive (1)
William Street (1)
Williton Road (1)
Willow Grove (1)
Willow Tree Close (1)
Willowdale Close (1)
Willowdale Road (1)
Willowherb Close (1)
Willows Avenue (1)
Wilson Place (1)
Wilson Road (1)
Wilson Street (1)
Winchester Avenue (1)
Windermere Avenue (1)
Windflower Close (1)
Windhover Close (1)
Windmill Close (1)
Windrush Place (1)
Windsor Avenue (1)
Windsor Close (1)
Windsor Court (1)
Windsor Crescent (1)
Windsor Esplanade (1)
Windsor Green (1)
Windsor Grove (1)
Windsor Mews (1)
Windsor Place (1)
Windsor Road (3)
Windsor Terrace (1)
Windway Avenue (1)
Windway Road (1)
Wingate Drive (1)
Wingfield Road (1)
Winnipeg Drive (1)
Winstone Avenue (1)
Withycombe Road (1)
Witla Court Road (1)
Wolfs Castle Avenue (1)
Womanby Street (1)
Wood Close (1)
Wood Street (1)
Woodcock Street (1)
Woodfield Avenue (1)
Woodford Close (1)
Woodland Crescent (2)
Woodland Place (1)
Woodland Road (1)
Woodlands (1)
Woodlands Park Drive (1)
Woodlawn Way (1)
Woodside (1)
Woodside Court (1)
Woodvale Avenue (1)
Woodville Court (1)
Woodville Road (1)
Woolacombe Avenue (1)
Woolaston Avenue (1)
Woolmer Close (1)
Woosnham Close (1)
Wordsworth Avenue (1)
Worle Avenue (1)
Worle Place (1)
Wren Close (1)
Wroughton Place (1)
Wyeverne Road (1)
Wyfan Place (1)
Wyndham Arcade (1)
Wyndham Crescent (1)
Wyndham Place (1)
Wyndham Road (1)
Wyndham Street (2)
Wyndham Terrace (1)
Wynnstay Close (1)
Wyon Close (1)

Number beside street name means that street have more than one data (for example postcode).


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